Invest in turning out youth voters in the Texas Rio Grande Valley!



The Good Deed Corps is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization that encourages and inspires citizens in overlooked and under-represented communities to engage in the civic act of voting.



We provide year-round, face-to-face, culturally fluent voter engagement, registration, information, civics instruction, voter protection, voter ID support and transportation to the polls -as well as relational organizing and leadership training. Effectively removing every obstacle between an eligible voter and the ballot box and turning “unlikely voters” into engaged citizens for life.



To ensure everyone has access to voting, consider making a monthly donation or a one-time donation below.


Keep the Good Deeds Coming All Year-Round! Join the Good Deed Corps Donor Club and help us continuously fund our democracy-driven operations.

Your generous monthly donation at any level will help us Get Out The Vote and make sure that the 10000+ first time voters we’ve registered and who have pledged to vote with us have everything they need to successfully cast a ballot this November and beyond!

Every bit helps!

Any amount you can donate will help us in our ongoing quest to foster a thriving democracy.

Your generous one-time donation at any level will help us Get Out The Vote and make sure that the 10000+ first time voters we’ve registered and who have pledged to vote with us have everything they need to successfully cast a ballot this November and beyond!